Make sure proper intent and interest exist among your leads before passing over to a human agent. Many companies experience higher acquisition costs in the contact center due to inefficient interactions between customers and human agents. Eliminate poor customer experiences and increase efficiency by removing remedial interactions with your customers.
Processing payments could not be easier. Utilize your virtual assistant to automate payments on channels such as Voice, SMS, Facebook, Whatsapp and more. Reduce the risk of compromised card data and fraud, while cutting the time and cost that it takes to manually process a payment with a human agent. Offer your users a secure environment with your virtual assistant where they know their payment details are safe.
Your help guides and FAQ's no longer have to be a wall of text online. Using NLP, you can now understand the questions and concerns of your users, and answer them seamless using your support assets within a conversation.
Maintain continuity in your conversations post-acquisition. Get feedback using your virtual assistant. Elastically measure customer happiness at scale across multiple channels. Offer your customer comprehensive surveys and bring insights full circle with the NPS or CRM tool of your choosing.